The Best Food & Vitamins for your Hair

Hair is a barometer of your overall health. 

The human body may not function properly without the right supply of foods. Foods are the main source of energy for the entire body, and for hair growth as well. Eating the right foods allows your body to create the energy needed, keeping your hair healthy and also to avoid loss of your hair.

Healthy hair depends on changing hormones, the pills you take, and the foods you eat (or don't). The 100,000 strands, of your hair, are in fact, lifeless protein fibers.

The living parts are the follicles, tiny hair-growing factories under your scalp. 

  • Nourished mainly by the protein in your diet, and by carbohydrates like whole grains (that provide energy). 
  • Essential fatty acids from fish, nuts, and soy (they hydrate follicles). 
  • Vitamins B6, B12, and biotin, found in eggs, salmons, bananas, and spinach (they help strengthen your hair's outer layer, called the cuticle). 
  • Iron is also essential because it stimulates hair turnover and replenishment.

When food is scarce, your body goes into a starvation mode, sending nutrients to key organs like your heart and brain — and skipping the follicles. 
That's why chronic dieters often have lank tresses. Low-calorie diets are often low in some of the most important nutrients for healthy hair, super-low-calorie plans may even cause hair loss.
Losing a significant amount of  weight in a short amount of time can affect that normal hair growth rhythm. Two to three months later, you might notice a significant increase in shedding. This is a temporary problem that you can recover from a well-rounded diet.

Stress is one of the causes of increased hair loss because our stress consumes nutrients (vitamins and minerals) decreasing the nutrition of peripheral organs such as skin and hair.

Losing a significant amount of  weight in a short amount of time can affect that normal hair growth rhythm. Two to three months later, you might notice a significant increase in shedding. This is a temporary problem that you can recover from a well-rounded diet."

 Scientists have already proven that the hair reflects the health of the organism. In the cell composition of the hair, there are stem cells, those with the ability to transform in others as needed. The composition of the hair can provide information about the cellular nutrition, circulatory and immune system among others.

An overall balanced diet of lean proteins, fruits, and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, fatty fish like salmon and low-fat dairy will help keep hair healthy.

Vitamins & Minerals

A healthy diet, that is rich in antioxidant & nutrients can act effectively, to help to prevent  and reverse hair loss. Among the nutrients studied, it includes vitamin E, beta-carotene and selenium, which are major antioxidants in body tissues. Treatment with these antioxidant nutrients in patients with alopecia, can be used with the goal of reducing inflammation of skin tissue and promote stability in cell membranes. There by preventing the recurrence of hair loss. Furthermore, selenium is important for the maintenance of our immune system.

To prevent hair loss, know the key nutrients directly involved in this process:

  • B vitamins: vitamins are water soluble, they melt into liquids of the organism and its excess is excreted in the urine. Some examples of foods rich in vitamin B6: bananas, potatoes, raisins and whole grains.
  • Zinc: important mineral as a stimulant of the immune system, present in meat and seafood;
  • Iron: important mineral in human nutrition as part of the training component of the hemoglobin of red blood cells. It is presented in the following foods: beef, liver, tuna, lentils, beans, and spinach. Some foods enhance the absorption of iron in the body: orange, kiwi and acerola.
  • Protein is composed of amino acids, which are the smallest fraction of protein. Among many of its functions, the main is structural function and maintenance by repairing tissues. Protein sources are the following foods: eggs, milk, meat, poultry, fish, fruits, vegetables and grains.

How your hair looks today has nothing to do with what you ate yesterday — or even over the past few weeks. Hair grows about half an inch per month. So if your locks are shoulder length, your longest strands are up to 2 years old. If you start mainlining fatty acids and B12 , B complex right now, your hair should begin to look better in another 3 to 6 months .

Remember your hair reflects your health, if you have hair loss and its past 2nd stage of the Ludwig Scale above( evolution of hair loss in men and women),
you may also have other health issues together with hair loss ( check with your doctor). 

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