Homeopathy in Brazil & USA & World

Homeopathy in Brazil:

 In 1980, there was a great achievement of Homeopathy in Brazil, which was the recognition by the Federal Council of Medicine (CFM) of Homeopathy as a Medical Specialty, by solving CFM No. 1000 of June 4, 1980.
An important figure of articulation was Dr. Alberto Soares de Meirelles.
In 1982, CFM provides instructions for obtaining title Specialist in Homeopathy.
Embodied, if a designation coming from the Sanitary Code of the Empire in 1886.

 Doctor Carlos Fiorot, president of the Brazilian association of homeopathic doctors:
The pharmaceutical industry is the most powerful on the planet, sentences the president of the Brazilian Homeopathic Medical Association (AMHA), Carlos Fiorot. For the physician, the need to "see" health more broadly, other than "look for certain groups and businesses," it is urgent. Despite fight diseases, these companies sell products, he says.
With this guideline, the expert in this interview discusses the acceptance of homeopathy in Brazil and the "struggle" to associate it with Conventional Medicine in the National Health System (SUS). Fiorot comments even though medical research, both here and abroad, are short of needs. And even in institutions dedicated to the study of medicine, knowledge of homeopathy is not fully utilized. As an example, he cites the epidemics. "Despite the discovery of vaccines and antibiotics, control of certain diseases is far from happening as planned," analyzes.
Dr. Carlos Fiorot - First you must separate homeopathy practiced in Brazil and that practiced in Europe. The recent criticisms were made by European professionals and are related to Africa and the developing countries. In general, Europe does not see homeopathy as Brazil see, not only politically but also from the scientific view.

Brazil faced difficulties in these almost 30 years, which have become a differentiator. We have earned the recognition that puts homeopathy in Brazil in the hall of debate in international science. This is not an achievement reached by decree, but by debate, by the struggle of ideas that permeate all of our accomplishments in this period.

When we have an institutional achievement, the recognition by the Federal Council of Medicine, the others are coupled. Therefore, we can not expect other countries who have not lived that experience like ours, the consolidation of Homeopathy as found in Brazil.


Homeopathy has a turbulent history in the US. In 1825, Hans Burch Gram came from Danmark, where he was tough in homeopathy, to New York. Homeopathy became a flourishing method because allopathy or conventional medicine at that time was exactly like Hahnemann had been described.

In 1833 Constantine Hering came in the USA and became the driving force, he founded the first national medical association, the AIH (American Institute of Homeopathy). Apparently as a reaction, in 1836 the AMA (Americal Medical Association) was founded. Also, other medical philosophies "contaminated" homeopathy. But James Tyler Kent was for more than 30 years a counteracting force and homeopathy flourished even more.

Only Acupuncture, Chiropractic, and Naturopathy are alternative systems which are licensed in the US widely presently. In practice, this means that the USA does not have many famous homeopaths known in the world homeopathic community those homeopaths are not united enough to convince science or the federal government of its importance and the public does not understand what it is really about.

In a Time Magazine article in 1995, it was reported that homeopathy was enjoying a wider range of popular support as well as use by celebrities such as Rush Limbaugh, Linda Wagner, and Larry King.

The increasing participation of several new players is also leading to the growth of the global homeopathy products market. These players are focused on the utilization of new Homeopathy in other Countries

Health professional usually do not have a reliable font of information about Homeopathy.  Homeopathy is not taught in of the Medical Schools and Universities in most countries, especially in the USA. In others countries the grow of Homeopathy  are impressive.

Homeopathic Medicine: Europe’s #1 Alternative for Doctors (article by Dana Ullman)

The entire field of “alternative and complementary medicine” was so hot in the 1980s that, according to a respected market survey, the field of alternative and complementary medicine in Europe was second only to the computer industry for growth during this decade (4). This explosion of interest in natural medicine has continued in the 21st century.

In 1998, homeopathy was the most frequently used CAM therapy in five out of 14 surveyed countries in Europe and among the three most frequently used CAM therapies in 11 out of 14 surveyed countries (5). Three out of the four Europeans know about homeopathy and of these people 29 percent use it for their own health care. In other words, approximately 100 million Europeans use homeopathic medicines (6).

The sales of homeopathic and anthroposophical medicines grew by 60 percent between 1995 and 2005, from 590 million Euros in 1995 to 775 million Euros in 2001 and to $930 million Euros in 2005 (7). Because of homeopathy’s impressive and growing popularity in Europe, this alternative treatment poses a significant threat to conventional medicine, which may explain why there are ongoing efforts to attack it (and homeopaths) using devious and questionably ethical means.


Homeopathy is particularly popular in France, where it is the leading alternative therapy. In 1982, 16 percent of the population used homeopathic medicine, rising to 29 percent in 1987, and to 36 percent in 1992 (8). In 2004, 62 percent of French mothers used homeopathic medicines in the previous 12 months (9). A survey of French pharmacists was conducted in 2004 and found that an astounding 94.5 percent reported advising pregnant women to use homeopathic medicines (10).

Homeopathy is popular not only among the French public but also among the French medical community. As many as 70 percent of physicians are receptive to homeopathy and consider it effective, at least 25,000 physicians prescribe homeopathic medicines for their patients. Homeopathy is taught in at least seven medical schools: Besancon, Bordeaux, Lille, Limoges, Marseille, Paris-Nord, and Poitiers, and there are numerous postgraduate training programs. Courses in homeopathy are taught in 21 of France’s 24 schools of pharmacy, and also taught in two dental schools, two veterinary medical schools, and three schools of midwivery.

United Kingdom

England’s Royal Family has been homeopathy’s strongest advocates, thereby confirming that this system of natural medicine is not some “new age” therapy. There are five homeopathic hospitals working within the National Health Service, some of them with a two-year waiting list for non-emergency visits to a homeopath.

According to a House of Lords report (2000), 17 percent of the British population use homeopathic medicines (11). The respect accorded homeopathy and homeopathic practice by British physicians is evidenced by a 1986 survey in the British Medical Journal that showed that 42 percent of physicians referred patients to homeopathic doctors (12). Other evidence of support from health professionals was a 1990 survey of British pharmacists that found 55 percent considered homeopathic medicines “useful,” while only 14 percent considered them “useless” (13). The normally conservative British Pharmaceutical Association held a debate in 1992 to decide whether pharmacists should promote homeopathic medicines (14). They concluded by a large majority that they should.

The use of homeopathic medicines is not simply popular in the treatment of humans but also animals. Although there is little data presently available on this subject, one survey discovered that 20 percent of Irish milk producers have tried homeopathic medicines to treat mastitis or high cell count cows, and 43 percent believe that they work. In the herds surveyed, 50 percent added homeopathic medicines to the cow’s drinking water, 27 percent administered medicines via injection, six percent orally doses the cows, and six percent of herds placed the medicines in the cow’s vagina (18).


The German people are so supportive of natural medicine that the German government mandated that all medical school curricula include information about natural medicines. Approximately 10 percent of German doctors specialize in homeopathy, with approximately 10 percent more prescribing homeopathic remedies on occasion. In 1993, there were 1,993 medical doctors who had formally qualified in homeopathy, while in 2006, this number jumped to 100 percent to 6,073 (20). In Germany, there are 9,000 natural health practitioners called heilpraktikers in 1993 and over 20,000 in 2007. Approximately 20-30 of heilpraktikers specialize in homeopathy.
Sales of homeopathic medicines in Germany were approximate $428 million in 1991, growing at a rate of about 10 percent per year. Evidence of the significant support from the German medical community is the fact that 85 percent of these sales are prescriptions from physicians. Surveys indicate that 98 percent of pharmacies sell homeopathic medicines.


Other European countries in which homeopathy has a relatively strong presence include Switzerland, where different surveys have suggested that somewhere between 11 percent and 27 percent of general practitioners and internists prescribe homeopathic medicines; Italy where nine percent of the medical doctors prescribe homeopathic remedies sometimes; and the Netherlands where 45 percent of physicians consider homeopathic medicines effective and 47 percent of medical doctors use one or more complementary therapies, with homeopathy (40 percent of these select doctors) being the most popular (31).

The prevalence of CAM use in a sample of Swiss patients undergoing kidney transplant was 11.8 percent. The most frequently used alternative therapy used among these was homeopathy (42.9 percent) (32).


In 2004 a total of 7.5 million Italians uses homeopathic medicines, 2.5 million more than a survey showed in 2000 (33). Approximately 14 percent of Italian women and 10 percent of men prefer homeopathic medicine to conventional medicine. A total of 9.6 percent of children between three and five years of age are treated with homeopathic medicines. Almost 90 percent of Italians who have used such medicines say these treatments helped by them, with 30 percent saying that they used homeopathic medicines for pain syndromes and 24 percent for severe or chronic diseases.


In Spain, homeopathy has gotten so popular that INE, the country’s statistic institute, added expenditures on homeopathic medicines to their calculations for monthly inflation rates (41). Sales of homeopathic medicines in Spain are growing at 10-15 percent annually, with approximately 15 percent of the population saying that they have used a homeopathic medicine and 25 percent said that they would be happy to try one (42). 


And despite homeopathy’s impressive popularity in Europe,It is actually even more popular in India where over 100 million people depend solely on this form of medical care . 
Further, according to an A.C. Neilsen survey in India, 62 percent of current homeopathy users have never tried conventional medicines and 82 percent of homeopathy users would not switch to conventional treatments .
 Homeopathy India, It is not just the fact that the size of the existing domestic homeopathy market has placed around Rs 27,580,000,000 (395 million Euro), but that with a 30 percent annual increase, it will reach Rs. 46,000,000,000 (659 million Euro) in a few years. These figures place India second to France in the ranking of the homeopathy market.
Other facts and figures make the role of homeopathy very impressive. With a hundred million people in the country totally committed to homeopathy, it expected that the number would go over 160 million in three years. Right now, there are 500,000 registered homeopaths and every year there are 20,000 more added. There are 185 homeopathic colleges in the country and 11,000 homeopathic hospital beds.

Dr. Shah writes an insightful article at the International News. When comparing homeopathy to conventional medicines, he says:
“The more a homeopathic medicine is used a more useful it becomes. Its finer details are brought out with the passage of time, and the homeopathic physicians use it with even greater confidence and precision.

The global homeopathic products market is on the rise due to the increasing demand for homeopathy for the treatment of several diseases. According to the World Health Organization, homeopathy is the second largest medicine system displaying a growth rate of 20-25% each year. This is because homeopathy has reportedly proven to be effective for the treatment of several acute and chronic diseases. 

Great article about  Homeopathythy-history-from-germany-america-india-america

Homeopathy in India Video.

How Homeopathy found me:

I was in my last years as a medical student in 1978, I graduated from Medical School in 1980.
had an opportunity to work in the Advance Campus of the University of Santa Catarina, located in Santarem, Para, Brazil

That was a transforming experience, to work as a doctor, in the rain forest, with a very poor population. The Advance Campus of the University was a beautiful place close to the Tapajos River. The health office was at another neighborhood of the city.

The condition of the health office, was a shock. A lot of people came to the office, children, women, family with diseases we did not see with frequency in the south states of Brasil. The most frequent diseases were syphilis, malaria, worms, anemia, for such cases we had medication to give for free, but for many others symptoms and diagnoses we did not have any medication to give for free. Malnutrition also was endemic, and sometimes I would just recommend food as remedy, like you need to eat rice and beans, fruit and vegetables. How was I supposed to prescribe vitamins when they didn’t have money for food?
I start to look for alternatives ways to help the patients. I found herb markets and started to talking with people who knew about plants and herbs. In the campus ,there were other medical students that had the same problems, so we made a list of traditional herbs and indications. When I finished my stage in Santarem I came back with a suitcase of herbs, plants, and notes.

I was very enthusiastic about my discoveries and I had a classmate who started learning Homeopathy, and I started to do a Course about Homeopathy in my last year, did some testing to be sure of the results and never stopped studying Homeopathy and being enthusiastic about it. For 2 years I did a Pos- Graduation & Specialization in Homeopathy at University of Rio de Janeiro and at Hahnemanniano Institute of Brazil.
I developed my Homeopathy Practice in Caxias do Sul, RS  for over 30 years, and had more than seven thousand patients on file when I moved to the  USA in 2006.


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